

  • Establishing a Dynamic Grid - Jun 2009
    Dynamic grids are said to be the next frontier for investment firms looking to maximize on compute power, but just how to construct them remains unclear. Waters assembled a distinguished panel to discuss the subject: Mark Dodds, grid program manager, Rabobank International; Steve Jacobs, vice president of high-performance computing at Merrill Lynch; Nigel Warren, visiting research fellow at Brunel University; and John Henriksson, senior solutions architect at Excelian. Moderated by Christopher Clack
  • MiFID Drag - May 2008
    Trading in Europe is more competitive but the lack of an efficient, pan-European clearing and settlement infrastructure could slow things down. By Joel Clark
  • Storage Strain - May 2008
    As trade and market data volumes soar, firms urgently need to improve their storage abilities for streaming and historical data. By Joel Clark
  • Heavy Metal - Apr 2008
    Banks begin to pursue a third dimension in high-performance computing: using specialist accelerators in shared heterogeneous grids. By Bob Giffords
  • The Next Step - Mar 2008
    Firms look to new technologies to integrate disaster recovery into their infrastructure. By Joe Morgan
  • Will Grid Work for Algos? - Dec 2007
    Complex event processing and service-oriented architecture (SOA) could make sharing a common infrastructure with a compute grid a reality for low-latency trading.

    By Bob Giffords

  • The Back Office - Dec 2007
    In the Paris briefing, Andreas Lofgren of OMX argues for a new solution to the back office challenges that the new compliance rules present.
  • Core Question - Dec 2007
    Firms evaluate how to best put the new quad core chips to work.

    By Joe Morgan

  • Living with Mainframes - Dec 2007
    Credit Suisse embarks on ambitious plan to use SOA to disentangle legacy applications.

    By Emily Fraser

  • And All That SaaS... - Oct 2007
    Vendors are touting “software as a service” as the next generation of ASP applications. But is SaaS really so different?By Emily Fraser

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