
Advanced search

  • The search is based on relevant keywords chosen by our editors, the headlines of articles, the names of authors, and the full text of the article.
  • You can search for standard abbreviations and acronyms, such as "FTSE" or " HBOS".
  • Results are listed in order of relevance. Relevance ranking is calculated by how many times a word appears in the keywords, headline, standfirst, and body of an article.
  • Searches are not case sensitive - you can type "ftse" or "FTSE" and get the same set of results.
  • Compound searches, such as 'insurance package' will only bring back articles which contain both the words 'insurance' and 'package'.
  • Exact matching of phrases is available. Simply put the phrase you want to find with inverted commas. For example if you search for "Tenet unveils insurance package" the search will only return articles which contain exactly this phrase.
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