
Trading Technology

  • Custom Algos - Oct 2009
    The future of the buy-side trading desk was supposed to belong to the algorithm-or so the argument went. In the calmer market conditions typifying the early and middle years of this decade, the ability of increasingly powerful algorithmic tools to slice, dice and execute orders at inhuman speeds proved immensely valuable to those buy-side firms that had implemented them. Then came the credit crisis, which laid that and many other arguments to rest.
  • Tech for Me, Not for Thee - Oct 2009
    In a move to new offices, Standard Chartered gives its staff virtual desktops-everyone except the traders, that is. By Tanzeel Akhtar
  • The Impact of Latency - Oct 2009
    Senior technologists sound off on their strategies to combatand manage latency within their firms. By Rob Daly
  • Banks Testing BT Soft Turret - Oct 2009
    Three unnamed investment banks and brokerages are pilot testing iTrader, an open-standards collaborations platform from telecommunications giant BT, which is slated for general availability by the end of the year, sibling publication Dealing with Technology has learned.
  • New Tools - Sep 2009
  • BarCap Strengthens Barx’s FX Bite - Sep 2009

    Barclays Capital (BarCap), the investment banking division of Barclays Bank, has expanded the foreign exchange (FX) trading capabilities of its Barclays Automated Real-time Execution (Barx) electronic trading platform by introducing a new suite of trading algorithms, dubbed PowerFill+ Plus, as well as additional trading capabilities, writes sibling publication Dealing with Technology.

  • Kill the Fax - Sep 2009
    Loan market deals are still carried out between banks via fax, but work is under way to seek new methods of automation. By John Beck
  • New Tools - Aug 2009
  • Integration Key Driver In Vhayu Buy - Aug 2009
    Thomson Reuters recently acquired real time-enterprise tick data technology provider Vhayu Technologies in order to achieve better integration between the two vendors' product sets, officials from both vendors tell sibling publication Dealing with Technology (DWT).
  • Waters Debate: Competitive Edge or Unfair Advantage? - Aug 2009
    A New York Times article last month sparked a heated controversy over the long-established practice of high-frequency trading, with people weighing in from all sides of the economy. Waters asked some industry players and commentators for their two cents on the high-frequency trading debate.

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