
Latest issue

Oct 2009

  • The Risk Factors
    So, where is the risk regulation? As we mark the first anniversary of the fallout of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, AIG and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, we can remember the headlines, the shock and the dizziness as things started to spin out of control.
  • Research Roundup
  • Nasdaq OMX to Launch Nordic Feeds
    Nasdaq OMX is preparing to roll out a new version of its Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) later this month, alongside an upcoming new Nordic ITCH feed of unnetted trading data, which will be released to accompany the migration of its equity trading system to Nasdaq's Inet technology platform at the end of November, officials tell sibling publication Inside Market Data.
  • Banks Testing BT Soft Turret
    Three unnamed investment banks and brokerages are pilot testing iTrader, an open-standards collaborations platform from telecommunications giant BT, which is slated for general availability by the end of the year, sibling publication Dealing with Technology has learned.
  • With Nigel Kneafsey CEO, Options IT
    What does your job entail? I stay in close contact with senior management in the US, Europe and Asia to ensure we maintain the highest possible client service levels, and I'm also heavily involved in the strategic development of the business.
  • New Tools
  • The Laws of Finance
    As Islamic finance grows, more opportunities emerge for technology vendors that want to enter with compliance solutions.
  • The Impact of Latency
    Senior technologists sound off on their strategies to combatand manage latency within their firms.
  • A Clear View of Risk
    This time last year, it seemed as though the world were coming to an end.
  • Tech for Me, Not for Thee
    In a move to new offices, Standard Chartered gives its staff virtual desktops-everyone except the traders, that is.
  • The Netflix Challenge
    As Wall Street and the ratings agencies fall back into the bad old behaviors and patterns that led to the economic crisis, the resources-challenged SEC should take a novel approach to finding the large-scale modeling solution that will allow the regulatory body to stay one step ahead.
  • Custom Algos
    The future of the buy-side trading desk was supposed to belong to the algorithm-or so the argument went.
  • Markets Need to Get It Together
    Regulation NMS revolutionized trading in the US and brought about significant changes, but the ensuing fragmentation  hasn't necessarily been good for investors.
  • Building the Artificial Trader
    The demise of the cash equities trader has been reported for a number of years and many will claim that the excessive elbow room on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) proves the point.
  • Heads in the Clouds
    Once the domain of bleeding-edge technology projects, cloud computing has found a new application among market data professionals: storing the huge amounts of real-time and historical data that must be maintained and harnessed for everything from trading algorithm development and back-testing to regulatory compliance.
  • News in numbers
  • The Fog of Risk
    Waters asked several players in the risk field to look at the myriad risk solutions.
  • Nasdaq OMX, Burgundy, EMCF Launch Nordic CCP Clearing
    The multilateral trading facilities have teamed with the European Multilateral Clearing Facility to form a central counterparty clearing services for the Nordic region.
  • Bloomberg Introduces Nigerian Exchange Data Feed
    A real-time market data feed from the Nigerian Stock Exchange is now available to investors across the globe via the financial software, news and data firm.
  • Nomura Offers Direct Access to Bats Europe
    The global investment bank announced that its clients will now be able to access the Bats Europe platform directly.
  • Nasdaq OMX Looks East
    Exchange operator Nasdaq OMX will supply trading technology and advice to the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE), in a move designed to boost investor awareness.
  • Goldman Sachs Links with RealTick
    The global banking giant has joined the international multi-broker network on software vendor and service provider Townsend Analytics’ cross-asset electronic trading platform, RealTick.
  • LME Goes Mobile
    The London Metal Exchange launched a pricing and data service for Web-enabled BlackBerrys, Apple iPhones and other smart phones.
  • Position Keeping
  • Hudson Bay Capital Sails with Sophis
    New York-based hedge fund Hudson Bay Capital Management has turned to Sophis for the vendor's platform that includes risk management services.
  • Capstone Drafts Fidessa for Options
    Broker-dealer Capstone has gone live with Fidessa's fully hosted and integrated options and equities trading platform.
  • UBS Sells India Service Center
    Outsourcing provider Cognizant plans to acquire UBS India Service Center Private Ltd.
  • Fortis Bank Nederland Goes Live with Temenos Platform
    The Dutch bank's Singapore office has gone live with banking system provider Temenos' T24 platform.
  • Finra and AMF Join Forces
    The regulatory bodies will share information in an attempt to boost co-operation in the surveillance and supervision of the respective markets under their jurisdictions.
  • Hilliard Lyons taps JPMorgan for global clearance
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